Pictures: Curaçao 2008, by me (and my family?)
Ik kan echt niet meer wachten tot ik weer naar Curaçao ga, het was zo super vorig jaar! Ik heb geteld, en het is nog 62 dagen, precies 2 maanden (ik ga weg op 26 juli). En nog maar.. 12 dagen school, en dan nog 5 dagen proefwerkweek, oh my god, dat is zo weinig! Love it! xxxx
I just can't wait 'till we're going to Curaçao again, it's was so nice last year! I've counted, and it's still 62 days till we go (exactly 2 months, I'm leaving at 26 july). And just.. 12 days school left, and then 5 days of just tests (thwo hours school a day, with just tests), oh my god, that's such a short time! Love it! xxxx
Ooooh, looks nice!